Vision, Mission, and School Traits

Davis School Vision Statement

Davis School, in partnership with families and the community, will foster respect, responsibility, and readiness for learning in students as they become passionate, courageous, knowledgeable, skillful, reflective, and collaborative life-long learners.

Davis School Mission Statement

The Davis School community will educate all students in an inclusive, nurturing, safe, creative, and child-centered learning environment. The unique intellectual, social, ethical, and emotional growth of each learner will be honored by providing hands-on learning opportunities in a variety of contexts that allow for deep exploration, problem solving and skill development.

Davis School Traits

Our motto at Davis School is that "everybody, everyday is respectful, responsible and ready." We define these traits in the following ways for students:

Respectful - Using kind words, listening, waiting my turn, playing fair, being nice, following rules, giving compliments, including others, feeling good about myself and others, respecting others’ choices and treating others how you want to be treated.

Responsible - Walking away from trouble, having safe hands and feet, thinking about what you do, taking care of your things, cleaning up, being a leader, doing your work, helping others, keeping promises.

Ready - Having a good attitude, having my things ready, trying hard, listening and watching, and accepting my mistakes and moving on.