
Students and staff at Davis School lead and support each other as students begin their academic journey.  This journey begins with the celebration of story.  Davis School’s commitment to celebrating each individual’s story can be seen in the schools writing, reading, math, science, and social studies curricula.  Students are telling and writing personal narrative stories.  They are reading literature and informational text that help them develop skills, knowledge, and vocabulary.  They read to make connections, draw conclusions, reflect on the information in the text, and inspire further investigation and interests. Students are observing and sharing their thinking using the scientific process during projects, play and studies. They are adding, subtracting, and solving math story problems while building their number sense and using a variety of strategies to solve problems.  The arts are integrated throughout students’ day to support their increasing creativity, innovation, and confidence.  Students and staff celebrate and strengthen their sense of self, skills, and knowledge in order to build a willingness to take academic risks.   

