8th Grade Information Night

Dear Class of 2024,
I hope you are all doing well and taking care during this challenging time.  The faculty and staff at Bedford High School are so excited to welcome you.  Due to the pandemic, we know that the traditional events planned to help with the transition are not able to happen. However, we still want to provide an opportunity for you to hear more about Bedford High School and to be able to ask us questions.  
Our Peer Leadership class has planned a virtual event for 8th grade students and their parents.  The peer leaders will share a presentation about student life at BHS, extracurricular activities, lunches, lockers, the ambassador program and also answer additional questions that students and parents may have. It will be great for you to hear directly from current BHS students.  Mr. Hudder (Assistant Principal), Mr. Casey (Assistant Principal),  and I will also be part of the virtual events. We are offering two dates and you are welcome to attend one or both (though the presentation will be the same).  
If you are able, please plan to join us remotely on Thursday, May 28 from 7:00-8:00pm or on Wednesday, June 3 from 7:00-8:00pm.  The links to the meetings are below.  
Looking forward to meeting all of you. 
Mrs. Galante, Principal
5/28 Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 881 4557 3888
Password: 1yt9WV
6/3 Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 893 7056 9571
Password: 2LYmTw